After a night in a hostel in San Juan (try and find that on the map!!) we set out on a 300 km journey towards the Chilean border.
Coming back to the afore-mentioned snow, we had been informed that due to an unexpectedly heavy fall of snow, the border had been closed. However, this morning we learnt that although the "roads" were bad, the border had been re-opened and we could continue as planned.
It seems that Bolivia is a little like England - in the last few years it has been totally unprepared for the volume of snow which falls in one go (apart from the normal snowfall on the 4000+ m mountains). It is not equipped with winter tyres, adequate snow ploughs, grit, etc. to keep the roads clear. Therefore, like England, it is going to have to adapt to this aspect of global warming.
Wir verbrachten die Nacht in San Juan. Heute wollen wir nach Chile - es war bis gestern Abend unsicher ob wir die geplante Route fahren können- es hat für diese Jahreszeit ungewöhnlich - vorgestern stark geschneit- die Grenze war gestern noch geschlossen- heute aber zu unserem Glück wieder offen.
Leaving the hostel in San Juan
Volcanic scenery, Siloli Desert - face in the rock
Vulkan mit Gesicht (Profil)
Smoking volcano. Bolivia is full of them - but no volcanic activity has occurred during the past several thousand years.
Aktiver Vulkan
Volcanic landscape
Erosionen im Vulkangestein
Flora (ghastly green)
Ca. 300 Jahre alte Pflanze (außen weich- innen holzartig- wird zum Heizen verwendet)
Siloli Desert - volcano
We drove past four lagoons, each with a substantial flamingo population
Flamingos und Lagunen in der Wüste
There are three flamingo species, Chilean, James and Andean
No-fly zone.??..
Flamingos halten sich nicht an das Schild
The Arbol de Piedra (Stone Tree - Steinbaum), a volcanic rock formation
El Lago Colorado (Red Lagoon), at ca. 4,200 m
Rote Lagune
Again - the SNOW - if you didn't like this track, you just took a parallel route next to it to avoid the biggest snowdrifts
Das ist Schnee von gestern.
Das ist Schnee von gestern.
Going up.....almost 5,000m above sea level - and still alive and kicking without oxygen. Couldn't stop for long - the photographer was wobbly with his altitude ailments....
höchster Punkt unserer Reise (ca. 5000m)
Our highest pass (and point) in the whole trip
Sol de Manana - the highest geysers in the world at about 4950m above sea level
Sol de Manana- höchstes Geysirfeld der Welt (4950m)
At this altitude, there is also a hot spring pool called Termas de Polques (below, right)
Swimming Pool bei Lagune
The borax effect
Salvador Dali Valley - an area characterized by landscapes that resemble Dali's surrealist paintings and thus recently renamed as such.
Salvador Dali Tal- kommt am Foto nicht gut raus. Felsformationen sollen an Daligemälde erinnern.
Ollagüe, volcano on the border between Bolivia and Chile, with El Lago Verde (Green Lagoon) in foreground.
nahe Grenze zu Chile- Ollagüe ( Vulkan) mit "Grüner Lagune"
....gleicher Berg von Chile aus gesehen
We finally crossed the border in the evening, and arrived safely at San Pedro de Atacama, Chile.
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