One week's "holiday" in West Palm Beach, Florida
Dramatic skies welcomed our arrival on the "sunshine holiday."
Trotz täglich angekündigter Gewitter und auch "drohender" Wolkengebirge haben wir kaum Regen gehabt.
The hotel was nice, simple and quiet, situated miles from anywhere
Blick aus unserem Zimmer
At least we had a swimming pool, since West Palm "Beach" does not have a beach, only a seafront with a high concrete wall.
West Palm Beach hat keinen Badestrand (der ist in Palm Beach- parken teuer, keine Strandlokale, keine öffentlichen Duschen) so haben wir nur unseren Hotelpool benutzt.
West Palm Beach hat keinen Badestrand (der ist in Palm Beach- parken teuer, keine Strandlokale, keine öffentlichen Duschen) so haben wir nur unseren Hotelpool benutzt.
Outside breakfast area
...even the palm trees are switched on and off (look closely to see the plug!)
Energieverschwender USA - selbst die Palmen haben Stromanschluß
Our room was spartanly furnished, but large and sunny
unser Zimmer
Our day-and-night watchman was always on duty
Bewacht von s.u.
Shopping Centre in Downtown West Palm Beach. If you took the bus or walked far enough, you could actually find some action in this little nest.
Samstag Nachmittag spielte eine wirklich gute Band
...with lots of active participation from young and old
bis in den späten Abend.
West Palm Beach waterfront, downtown
Wednesday - a fated outing to Key West. First of all, it was really too far for a day-trip, and secondly, our wonderful GPS Madame got us totally lost within about one hour from home, and we were lost in the wilderness for miles and miles.....
Key West
Below: ocean front, Key West (ca. 90 miles from Havana).
ca. 90 Meilen von Kuba entfernt.
The site of the original Sloppy Joe's Café, frequented by Hemingway.
in diesem Haus hat Hemingway viel Geld für Alkohol ausgegeben.
We did manage a quick look round Hemingway's house in Key West
Sein Haus ist heute ein Museum
The garden
The road out linking the Keys basically follows the original railway tracks. After being destroyed twice in hurricanes, the rail connection was finally abandoned early on in the 20th century.
Die Zugverbindung ist nach 2 Hurrikans im frühen 20. Jht unterbrochen.
Lost in traffic jams on the way back - which did give us the chance to see Miami from the city highway.
Miami von der Autobahn aus gesehen.
On Friday, outing to the Everglades. Below follow photos of flora and fauna in Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve. The "Everglades" were not as we imagined - very open country. The Cypress Preserve corresponded more to how we thought the famed everglades should be. The highlights are specified (i.e. our few alligator sightings).
Everglades: der Nationalpark besteht zum überwiegenden Teil aus einem riesig breiten sehr langsam fließenden Fluß- zum größeren Teil mit Gras und Buschwerk bewachsen- im norden dann mit Zypressen- auch außerhalb des Nationalpark gilt das für den Großteil des Südens. (unten einige Fotos mit Flora und Fauna).
another one
"Piano Bird"
Alligator number 3
last one!
Final walk along bridge across the cypress swamp
...resplendent in all our tourist trappings...
Tree scenes
West Palm Beach certainly takes good care of its four-legged darlings
West Palm Beach hat für Hunde einiges zu bieten
Final evening meal - crab sandwich, whereby you crunch through the whole creature... in a roll.
Unser Abschiedsessen: Krabbensemmel.
Monday morning, 12 August: farewell to West Palm Beach.
The Amtrak Experience.
Abschied von West Palm Beach- unser Zug (Silver Meteor genannt) fährt ein.
Having become fluent in some Florida place names (Okeechobee now trips off our tongues), we encountered more gems en route from the train.
Dieser Ortsname hat Ann besonders gefallen.
Our "roomette" had more "ette" than "room" ....
Unser Abteil...
...but it was reassuring to know it was ready at hand when you needed it (there was NO alternative!) allem wichtigen ausgestattet.
However, the food in the dining car was good, and this gave us three chances in 26 hours to change position and walk further down the train.
Das Essen war im Preis inbegriffen und ganz zufriedenstellend.
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