Arrived in Lima at 7:00 am on 14 August.
First impressions after weeks in the USA -
- Positive:
- good coffee!
- at last - carbonated mineral water!
- cerveza - always good!
- proper normal bread and toast for breakfast (instead of sticky sweet stuff or dry biscuits).
- Negative:
- it's freezing! well, not quite, but it's jeans-and-pullover weather, outdoors and in. Since it never gets really cold in Lima, they don't heat the buildings. The locals sit in the restaurants and cafés and eat wearing their outdoor coats, anoraks, thick pullovers etc. And the doors are always open; it's as cold inside as out.
First view of coast, Lima-Miraflores. City is built on high cliffs overlooking the Pacific
Nach warmen Florida sind wir nun im weniger warmen Lima- 19°-14°- keine Sonne-feucht-ABER Essen ausgezeichnet (Seafood, Fisch,... Chifa= Fusion chinesichperuanischer Küche)- KEIN Budweiser (US)
Bilder unten: Miraflores- Stadtteil von Lima-liegt ca. 40m hoch über den Pazifik.
Lighthouse on clifftop
15 August - we ventured to Lima's historic city centre.
Panorama of the main square - Plaza de Armas de Lima
The Presidential Palace
"They're changing the guards at Buckingham Palace....."
12 o'clock midday - we had the full performance, with marching, music (including a bit from "Carmina Burana"...)
Wachablöse beim Präsidentenpalast (unter anderem mit Orffs Carmina Burana)
spot 'el general..'
No, not the Austrian army - the Peruvian flag is the Austrian flag standing on its head.
Cathedral with (left) the Archbishop's Palace
Kathedrale mit Erzbischofpalast
Municipalidad (City Hall)
Fußgängerzone beim Hauptpatz
Congreso - seat of the Peruvian parliament
Plaza Italia
Blick v. einer Rimacbrücke hinter dem Präsidentenpalast.
Old colonial houses with wooden balconies
Kolonialzeithäuser mit typischen Holzerkern.
It caused much confusion as we tried to explain we wanted to visit the Lima Museum of Art and not just the Mali (i.e. as in Africa) exhibition... however, as we learnt, the
"Museo de Arte de Lima" = MALI.
Works (Bilder v.) of José Sabogal - one of Peru's greatest painters (Maler)
In the park outside the Museum: - "Gloriette"..
Museumspark mit sogenannter Gloriette
... und Gebäude im pseudomaurischem Stil.
16 August - we attempted to reach the beach, far below the city and with an expressway in between ...
16.8.- Spaziergang zum Strand.
Finally .... The Beach!
Lonely seascape
Views of Lima-Miraflores from round the bay
Having made it down, it was not easy to get back up to the town again.
und zurück.
Roofing a church
Local resident on a lamppost (vulture)
Über Lima kreisen Geier oder sitzen auf Straßenlampen.
Clifftop park, Lima-Barranco
Park in Barranco (neben Miraflores)
17 August - Lima tour with local guide
17.8.- Stadtrundfahrt mit Reisegruppe
Huaca Huallamarca - excavations in Lima-San Isidro from pre-Inca times
Huaca Huallamarca - Tempel aus Präincazeit.(San Isidor, Lima)
Church and Convent of St Francis. Catacombs are full of bones, but no photography allowed.
Franziskanerkloster mit Museum (Bilder v. Rubens, Goldaltare, Katakomben,.. Bild v. lokalen Künstler - "Letztes Abendmahl" mit Meerschweinchen als Hauptspeise)
Courtyard of the National Museum of Archeology and Anthropology. Simon Bolivár once lived in this house.
Hof v. Museum f. Archeologie und Anthropologie, dieses Haus war auch Wohnsitz von Simon
Our guide explaining the chronological development of the central Andes
Unser "lokaler" Reiseführer vor Geschichtstafel Perus (bis 14.000 v.Chr.)
Pre-Inca and Inka treasures
Ancient (pre-Inca) figure
Ciao, Lima
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