Washington DC is hard to see from the motorway. While the GPS tells you you're only ten minutes from your destination, all that can be seen are trees, trees, and more trees. Apparently the city has more species of tree than any other US town. As you finally approach the city centre, you cruise along wide, leafy avenues until you reach your goal.
The National Mall is also wide, leafy and very green. Not many wild city motorised vehicles around, but swimming in pedestrians, 99% of whom were clearly tourists, just like us.
After a long and tedious journey, solace was close at hand.
Nach einer ca. 8 stündigen Fahrt sind wir endlich in Washington angekommen- nach dem einchecken in unserem Hotel fanden wir ein Irish Pub- für Fish and Chips +...
The Capitol at night, just round the corner from our hotel.
1. Blick aufs Capitol
In the foreground our hotel.
Das Liason war unser Hotel
The Washington Monument (left), swathed in scaffolding, and the Jefferson Memorial (right). Jefferson happily surived the 2011 earthquake intact.
Washington Monument (links)- Jefferson Memorial (rechts)
Private guests being flown to the White House.
Straße wurde gesperrt- dann flogen 2 Hubschrauber Richtung Weißes Haus
Safe landing in the White House "Car Park."
Wer damit flog oder ob es nur Pizzaservice für die Präsidentenfamilie war haben wir nicht erfahren.
Ford's Theatre, where Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in 1865.
In diesem Theater ( Backsteingebäude ) wurde 1865 Abraham Lincoln erschossen.
Outside the FBI (Edgar J. Hoover Building)
Hoovergebäude- FBI
Visit to the/Besuch des- National Air and Space Museum:
Apollo 11 space capsule.
Intercontinental ( Raketen) missiles (Pershing 11 and SS-20), relics from the Cold War
Wright Brothers' Plane (wing material replaced in 1985 - I assume the original was finally devoured by moths).
Originalfluggerät der Brüder Wright (1.Flug)- nur Flügelbespannung musste erneuert werden.
Amelia Earhart's bright red Lockheed 5B Vega, in which she set two of her many aviation records. In 1932 she flew it alone across the Atlantic Ocean, then flew it nonstop across the United States - both firsts for a woman.
Amelia Earhart überflog mit dieser Lockheed 5B Vega als 1. Frau allein den Atlantik und die USA.
Lindbergh plane
Docking in space of Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, 1975
Model of Spacelab
Hubble model
Apollo lunar module
Washington Monument; in foreground the Reflecting Pool of Forrest Gump (et alia) fame.
Washington Monument (nach Erdbeben 2011 eingerüstet) - im Vordergrund das "Reflecting Pool".
Abe Lincoln on his throne, adorned with scaffolding
Lincolnstatue im Memorial
Outside the Lincoln Memorial - great tourist attraction! Scene of MLK's famous speech.
Lincoln Memorial - hier hielt Dr. Martin Luther King seine berühmte "I had a dream" Rede.
National WW II Memorial (foreground); behind the Reflecting Pool and Lincoln.
Weltkrieg II Denkmal- dahinter "Reflecting Pool" und Lincoln Memorial.
Today we also paid a visit to.....
dieses Gebäude ist wahrscheinlich allen bekannt.
...the Pray-si-ident of the Un-I-ted States of Am-ER-i-ca...
Ann vor dem Weißen Haus
Thc Capitol (by day)
Viele Straßen führen zum Capitol
Pretty Picture - many more!
Side view of most Famous Building, avec moi
Liberty stands atop the dome of the Capitol.
"Die Freiheit" steht auf dem Capitol
View from Capitol looking east - Supreme Court to the left and Jefferson Library to the right.
Blick vom Capitol ostwärts- links oberster Gerichtshof- rechts Jefferson Bibliothek.
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