Dienstag, 30. Juli 2013

Vancouver weiter

Vancouver (continued): 23 - 27 July 2013

On 23 July we took the cable car up Grouse Mountain, "The Peak of Vancouver."
Am 23.7. von Vancouver mit der Seilbahn auf den Grouse Mountain.

View of Vancouver (over the water) from top of chair lift.
Noch weiter mit Sessellift. ( im Hintergrund: Vancouver)

The Eye of the Wind - highest point and wind turbine, with panoramic view from Vancouver to the (Canadian) Rockies
....weiter mit Aufzug knapp unter das Windrad eines Windgenerators ( im Hintergrund die kanadischen Rocky Mountains)

Panorama view of the "Lumberjack Show", a Canadian monstrosity which should be avoided unless you have completed all the cultural and animal highlights of Grouse Mountain and have time on your hands (unfortunately I was just too curious.....).
Blick auf die "Lumberjack Show" = Holzfällershow mit Kasperltheaterniveau.

Cameo appearance of Grizzly no. 1 dragging himself out of the shade.

Peek-a-boo, is there anybody out there? Grizzly no. 2 peeps from behind the bushes.
(Grinder and Coola are two orphaned grizzlies who have grown up in a sanctuary on Grouse Mountain).
Grinder und Coola 2 Grizzlybären- wurden, wenige Monate alt gefunden und hierher gebracht- leben hier in einem sehr großen Gehege.


Bald-headed eagle, too young to be bald.
 junger Weißkopfadler (jung daher kein weißer Kopf)
A wise old owl

View of Mount Baker (Washington, USA) on the horizon.
 Mount Baker (über 4200m hoher Vulkan in USA)
The Two Lions, above Vancouver
 " 2 Löwen" genannte Felsgipfel
Vancouver, on the way down
 ...und wieder runter mit der Seilbahn.
Fresh salmon for dinner - they come big in this part of the world.
 Am Abend Grillparty mit einem von den Nachbarn (Audey and Jeff- DANKE) gebrachten Lachs.

Salmon BBQ
On 24 July Dave took us on a boat trip to Saturna, one of the Gulf Islands off the Canadian coast.
24.7.  Ausflug nach Saturna (Insel bei Vancouver)...
mit großer...

....almost like being back at Dover....
.....dann kleinerer Fähre.
...and it took two ferries to get us there (and back).


Doggy park on the island.

Two views of Winter Cove 

Looking to another Gulf Island (an awful lot of them!) with Mount Baker posing again in the Background - a most elusively photo-shy volcano; always present, but difficult to capture on film.

Rocks at East Point, Saturna
Warten auf Fähre
Canadian ferry with distinguished portrait gallery. Ma'am and Me.
 2 Königinnen
Going round into a narrow stretch of water
"menschliches Radar"  bei unübersichtlichen Stellen.

 Komma vergessen

25 July - went to the Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver

Skytrain - Vancouver's modern public transport system with trains like the Docklands Light Railway, London. 
Skytrain: U-Bahn ober der Erde
Anthropologisches Museum, Vancouver
First Nation Version der Entstehung des Menschen (von Bill Reid)
Bill Reid's (First Nation Artist) best-known sculpture "The Raven and the First Men."

Ceremonial masks used by Canada's First Nation.

Bumble-bee masks

Totem poles (the poles inside the Museum did not come out well).
 Crossed into North Vancouver with the Seabus (one travelling towards us in the opposite direction)
öffentliches Transportmittel

Sea plane landing - a busy strip of water.

Dinner in Chinese Noodle House.
Abendessen mit Adrienne und Dave...
In the evening went to a performance of "Bard on the Beach" Shakespeare Festival. Tonight it was "Twelth Night," set in a spa anno 1913. Plays are performed in a kind of circus tent with an opening behind the stage where you can see the water behind, the Canada geese flying by, people walking their dogs on the grass... 
... anschließend Theater im Zelt- Bühne nach hinten offen- Shakespearfestival- wir haben "Was ihr wollt" gesehen... ungezwungene Atmosphäre ... Bier und Wein unter freiem Himmel in der Pause- Abendstimmung mit Fluß hinter Bühne.
Meanwhile, in the smaller tent they were playing "Elizabeth Rex"...
 Looks as if someone's about to lose his head...
Rätsel: 3 richtig 1 falsch 
26 July: went to see the Musical Ride in White Rock - the Mounties' horseback show to rather unexpected music.
26.7. Openair mit....
Pre-programme included the Pipes and Drums Band, good old Scottish stuff
Kanadischer "Pipes and Drums"

Two FirstNation dancers performing
First Nation Tanzvorführung

The Mounties in all their glory...
...und als Höhepunkt berittene Mountytruppe zu Pferd ( sind zu moderner Musik in Höllentempo Figuren geritten)
Pub afterwards with Imre (Adrienne's dad) 
...danach im Pub mit Adriennes Vater Imre den Tag ausklingen lassen.

27 July - final breakfast Canadian style; pancakes with maple syrup and bacon (and may I add that there was always marmite on the table).
27.7. letzter Tag Vancouver: ..morgens "Kanadisches Frühstück"- mit dicken Pfannkuchen, Ahornsirup und gebratenen Speck (alles zusammen- ist besser als es klingt)

Dave and Adrienne's house in Delta 
Outing to Fort Langley up the Fraser River - a historic trading post and fort where British Columbia formally became a colony.
Ausflug nach Fort Langley -früher Handelsposten ( für Nordamerika "historisch"- First Nation lebt seit ca. 10 000 Jahren dort)

 sustenance en route - banana tart
 Kleine Stärkung zwischendurch
Students performing a potted history of British Columbia in 20 minutes.
Laiendarsteller zeigten die Geschichte Britisch Columbiens
Our tour guide in his element
Adrienne checking the quality of blankets used for trading
Adrienne prüft Deckenqualität


Endless goods train
bei Museum: Beginn eines endlos langen Zuges
Farewell meal in an Indian Chinese Restaurant

Abschiedessen mit Dave, Adrienne, Audrey, Jeff in indischchinesischem Restaurant
Saying goodbye.
noch einmal DANKE

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